Dec 10, 2022
Brunei Signing Ceremony of the "Media Introduction"
As previously announced, the signing ceremony for Brunei's bus digitalization project, with Zenmov as the leading company, took place in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei, on December 3rd. This time, we would like to introduce media coverage from Brunei.
The start of public transportation projects in Brunei is groundbreaking, and the signing ceremony was widely reported on television and in newspapers.
Brunei's national broadcaster, RTB, reported in detail on the signing ceremony in its December 3rd news program (
(Figure 1–Figure 9)
The Brunei newspaper 'Borneo Bulletin' reported on the ceremony the day after the signing (, dated December 4, 2022) (Figure 10) and published a commentary article on the project the following week (, dated December 8, 2022) (Figure 11).
The commentary article includes a quote from Tanaka of Zenmov, stating, "In order to promote the digitalization of buses in Bandar Seri Begawan, we visited over 800 bus stops to confirm their precise locations, conducted education for drivers about Zenmov's traffic management system SMOC to be implemented by bus companies, and the project is progressing smoothly. This pilot operation is the first phase, and we aim to build a unique bus operation system suitable for Brunei in the future."
The title of the commentary article succinctly states "A smooth ride," which is also the goal of Zenmov's bus digitalization project.

Figure 1 Television news report of the signing ceremony

Figure 2 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Remarks from the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC)

Figure 3 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Remarks from Zenmov’s Representative Director Kiyoshi Tanaka

Figure 4 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Area of bus digitalization deployment in the capital of Brunei

Figure 5 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Zenmov's explanatory video

Figure 6 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Signing

Figure 7 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Explanation of passenger app usage to Deputy Minister Nazri from the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (1)

Figure 8 Television news report of the signing ceremony: Explanation of passenger app usage to Deputy Minister Nazri from the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (2)