Apr 12, 2024
The Zenmov office faces the Meguro River. Speaking of the Meguro River, it is one of Tokyo's renowned cherry blossom spots, but the cherry blossoms have already passed their peak, and we can now enjoy the fresh green leaves.
In our office, the buds of a certain plant have started to bloom. That plant is known as the "Dracaena," also referred to as the happiness tree. Dracaena is a popular houseplant, but its flowering cycle is short, taking 2 to 3 years for some, and up to 5 to 10 years for others, with no specific time for blooming, making it a somewhat capricious plant when it comes to flowers (the flower language of Dracaena is happiness).
Now, Zenmov has recently conducted a series A fundraising through third-party allotment with Broadleaf Inc. and YOKO CO., LTD as the two underwriters. With valuable investments from both companies, we aim to accelerate the technological development and business expansion of our smart mobility platform, SMOC (Smart Mobility Operation Cloud), and work towards solving the transportation challenges in society... this is the commitment of our representative, Tanaka, and all the employees.
The blooming of the Dracaena in the office may also be a message of encouragement (and perhaps a little celebration?) towards Zenmov's next stage... this is my positive and self-proclaimed interpretation.
Press release on April 9, 2024: Zenmov conducts series A fundraising https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000004.000081602.html