Privacy Policy

Zenmov Inc. recognizes the importance of personal information protection and strives to comply with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" and this privacy policy to protect the privacy of our customers. We handle the personal information obtained through our business activities in accordance with the following policies, providing our customers with "peace of mind" regarding personal information protection and fulfilling our social responsibilities.

1. Regarding the Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

We acquire personal information through lawful and fair means. We use personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. We do not use the acquired personal information for purposes outside of those initially stated. If a need arises for use outside of the initial purpose, we will use it only after obtaining renewed consent for the new purpose.

2. About the Use of Personal Data for Marketing Purposes

We may use personal data provided by customers, as well as personal data collected when customers use our products or services, and personal data collected from third parties for marketing purposes. This may include announcements related to events, new product releases, campaigns, notifications of service improvements, precautions during usage, changes to terms and conditions, and similar information. However, customers can choose whether to allow the use of personal data for such purposes before registration.

3. Regarding Laws, National Guidelines, and Other Norms

We continuously strive to be aware of laws related to the handling of personal information and ensure that our employees and business partners engaged in our operations are informed and comply with them.

4. Regarding the Safe Management of Personal Information

We implement appropriate measures for computer networks and facilities to prevent leaks. To prevent loss or damage, we prepare for disasters and incidents and perform data backups to be ready for emergencies. We conduct inspections and promptly correct any violations, incidents, or accidents that are discovered, and we implement preventative measures against weaknesses. We thoroughly provide safety-related education to our employees and business partners.

5. Regarding Complaints and Inquiries

We have established a contact point for complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, creating a system that allows for rapid responses and addressing concerns with sincerity. Please note that there is a fee of 1,000 yen (excluding tax) for each request for information disclosure.

[Contact Information]

If you have any questions regarding the content of this privacy policy or our personal information management policy, please contact us via the contact form.

Zenmov Inc.
Address: 7th Floor, Arco Tower, 1-8-1 Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo

Representative Director: Sumio Tanaka